March 31, 2018
Join WSARA in Starting a Snohomish County Chapter
2018 is a big year for the Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans (WSARA)! We are expanding our organization, our membership and our presence across the state. Building on our successes in the last few years, we are working hard to educate and mobilize retirees and seniors around issues vital to our quality of life. Reinforcing our existing chapters and starting new ones will be a strong part of our expansion efforts. Therefore, seniors and retirees in Snohomish County are invited to help us organize a new regional WSARA chapter.
Regional groups of supporters of WSARA can increase our effectiveness in defending and advocating on behalf of retirees here in our state. “House Speaker Paul Ryan is steadily moving to enact cuts to the earned retirement benefits that millions rely on for basic necessities,” said Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance. “Increased deficits from the tax cuts will provide Congress with excuses to make cuts to these programs.” That is why now is the time to strengthen our statewide network of affiliated organizations, retired workers and community groups by helping to start a WSARA chapter in the Everett/Snohomish County area.
By-Laws of the Snohomish County Labor Council allow for a WSARA chapter to affiliate and select a delegate to connect its activities with the Labor Council. Chapter events would be funded by WSARA and used to educate members and to the support the goals of the national Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA).
You are never too old to participate in activities that make a difference in our communities. Come help form a local organization that will work to make a difference by fighting for a more secure future for ourselves, our families and future generations. You are invited to attend the two chapter organizing meetings. Come gain more information on the chapter’s purpose and structure, identify potential officers and help draft by-laws.
Wednesday April 25, and Wednesday, May 23
4 pm – 6 pm
Worker Memorial Room
Everett Labor Temple
2810 Lombard, Everett WA 98201
Light refreshments will be served.
Click here for an event flier.
Please RSVP or contact for more information:
President Jackie Boschok at or 206-890-1009
Vice President Steve Kofahl at SteveKofahl@AOL.COM or 425-275-8770