September 06, 2018
2018 WSARA Senior Champion Awards Luncheon and Legislative Conference
As part of efforts to expand our activities this year, WSARA is hosting our 2018 Senior Champion Awards Luncheon fundraiser combined with our first Biennial Senior Legislative Conference that afternoon. We will begin our program by honoring this year’s Award winners:
Elected Official Senior Champion – Washington State Representative Mike Sells
Retiree Advocate Senior Champion Washington Education Association Retiree Jean Savidge
After lunch, keynote speaker Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler will provide an address on what he is doing to lower the cost of health care in our state. Following that, speakers and discussion will help set the WSARA legislative agenda for 2019.
This fundraiser will help us raise money for political action in 2019 to continue our fight for a better, more secure future for ourselves, our families and future generations.
Tickets cost $50.00 each or $400.00 for a table of eight for the awards presentation, a luncheon and the legislative conference. All proceeds benefit the WA State Alliance for Retired Americans and ticket costs are not tax deductible for IRS purposes.
Please send your payment to:
906 Columbia Street Suite 202
Olympia WA 98501
For more information contact Jackie Boschok at or call 206-890-1009. Click here for a copy of our event flier.