Social Security Website Is About To Get a Security Upgrade
If you have an online Social Security account, you will soon need to take an additional step to access your personal information. In a move aimed at boosting protection for online users, the Social Security Administration as of June 10 will require two-factor authentication on it... Read more
Health Care Advocates: TAKE ACTION – GOP Bill is Back!
An amendment to the American Health Care Act (AHCA) surfaced in DC as an alleged deal to bridge the gap between the Republican party’s more moderate members, who are concerned about weakening benefits and striping coverage from their constituents, and members of the Freedom C... Read more
2017 Convention
This is the theme for our convention and the foundation for WSARA’s activities this year. Washington state's seniors are ready for action to not just resist attacks on these vital programs but also to improve them. Confirmed speakers include Allianc... Read more
Join in the White House National Call-In Day!
As a candidate, Donald Trump tweeted: “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid.” It’s up to us to make sure he keeps this pledge. That's why on Monday, January 23rd we are asking you t... Read more
ARA Endorsement of Smith for Congress
A group of WA State Alliance members met recently with Congressman Adam Smith over coffee to discuss his support for seniors. It was also an opportunity for President Jackie Boschok to announce that he received the endorsement of the Alliance for Retired Americans in his candida... Read more
New Bill Seeks to Improve Medicare Coverage
By Casey Schwarz from the September 22, 2016 Medicare Watch
Congress took steps this week to improve Medicare coverage and enrollment rules by introducing the “The Medicare Affordability and Enrollment Act of 2016.” If passed, the bill would create an out-of-pocket sp... Read more
Join the National Call-In Day Against TPP
Despite immense, bipartisan opposition, the White House is more determined than ever to force a post-election, "lame-duck" vote on the TPP. That is the unique moment in the political calendar when representatives that are retiring or have been voted out of office are least ... Read more
Celebrate National Senior Citizens Day by Supporting Raise Up Washington YES 1433
National Senior Citizens Day is tomorrow, August 21st, a day to recognize the contributions seniors make across our country. However, when most folks think about older people, they think of retirees. But many seniors are still in the work force and depend on minimum wage jobs to ... Read more